it was only through your assistance that i was able to do it 意味

  • あなたのお力添えがあって初めてそれができたのです


        able to do something standing on your head:    《be ~》逆立ちしてもできる
        your assistance:    your assistance 蔭 かげ
        to be able to (do):    to be able to (do) ことができる
        only to do:     ónly to dó (1) その結果は…するだけだ《◆(1) 結果の副詞句. (2) onlyは結果が期待外れであることを示す》 He worked hard to carry out his plan, ~ to fail. 彼は自分の計画を実行しようとけんめいに努力したが,結局失敗に終わっただけだった(=..., but he failed.). (2) ただ…するために《◆目的の
        for your eyes only:    {映画} : 007/ユア?アイズ?オンリー◆英1981《監督》ジョン?グレン《出演》ロジャー?ムーア -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {著作} : バラと拳銃/007号の冒険◆英1960《著》イアン?フレミング(Ian Fleming)◆中編集。タイトルの For
        feel sorry for not being able to be of assistance:    役に立てなくて申し訳なく思う
        able to do without:    《be ~》~なしでやっていく
        not be able to do without:    必携{ひっけい}[必読{ひつどく}?必見{ひっけん}]だ、手放せない(不可欠{ふかけつ})
        i appreciate your efforts:    I appreciate your efforts ご苦労さん 御苦労さん ごくろうさん ご苦労さま ごくろうさま
        i beg your pardon:    I beg your pardon 御免なさい ご免なさい ごめんなさい
        supposing i was in your place:    仮に私があなたの立場{たちば}なら
        when i was your age:    私があなたの年齢のとき
        as long as i am physically able to:    体がじょうぶな間は、体がじょうぶな限りは
        long as i am physically able to:    
        if i can provide assistance with:    ~で私がお手伝いできることがございましたら


  1. "it was only now that the loss of my wallet came to my attention" 意味
  2. "it was only recently that i arrived here" 意味
  3. "it was only the next day that we realized the full extent of the disaster" 意味
  4. "it was only then that i realized the enormity of my miscalculation" 意味
  5. "it was only through my kindness that you got the job" 意味
  6. "it was only when he died that an astonished world discovered that…" 意味
  7. "it was only when i began to work that i understood the value of free time" 意味
  8. "it was only with an almost superhuman effort that i broke myself of the habit" 意味
  9. "it was only with difficulty that…" 意味
  10. "it was only then that i realized the enormity of my miscalculation" 意味
  11. "it was only through my kindness that you got the job" 意味
  12. "it was only when he died that an astonished world discovered that…" 意味
  13. "it was only when i began to work that i understood the value of free time" 意味

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